Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mind Set

I would like to start by introducing my self. I am Rommel; I live in Baguio, Philippines. I am married, my wife’s name is Beth and I have two sons Vince and Owen. I have been married for 10 years now. As for my work I am working full time in a church in our place and I work in the technology department handling computer maintenance, web design, graphics, that kind of stuff. I am also involved in the church as a worship leader.

I have always dreamed of having a place where I can share my thoughts, emotions and ideas so I finally decided to write. I specifically want to write about worship what it’s all about and how can it affect our daily life. I have been a Christian for several years now and the truth is I spent about 24 years of my life trying to find my self. I am 33 years old now and I am trying to get over myself. I have been sharing the word of God many times from congregation of child, youth and adult even to my family and there is one thing I have noticed, their minds have become garbage dumps, well I am not exempted I myself is presently cleaning up the garbage I’ve kept inside my mind that has been stopping me from worshipping the Lord Jesus fully. Romans 12:1-2 Apostle Paul states here clearly that we need to renew our mind that leads to transformation which is good and acceptable and perfect to God. Our mind has been the place where past failures, bad information, broken relationship, and a lot more of garbage is dump almost every second of our lives. You may also add the things we see and hear like shows we watch music we listen to. So Paul is true, we need to clean up our mind continually. The garbage we keep dumping in our minds is like baggage that we take when we travel. I have been to places and one thing I hate is the baggage I have to bring imagine the amount of baggage we bring each time we travel now compare this to the garbage we have in our minds no wonder why people go weary and forgets to worship God.

To be able to worship Jesus fully we need to free up our minds from all of this heaviness of unforgiveness, guilt of past failures, discontent, fear and more. We need Jesus to cause this to happen through his word and let the Holy Spirit be the housekeeper of our minds reminding us of the word of the Lord. Let us focus on what the Lord gets not on what we get that is true worship.